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Canyoning probably came to life when someone first thought: “Uh, it’s so hot! Where could I cool down? ” 🙂



Many have heard of hiking, alpinism or speleology, but the concept of canyoning is rather strange to them. Maybe because it’s a relatively new sport, so still just a few people go for it. This is, in fact, a unique adrenaline experience of passing through a canyon. There are dry and water canyons. Also, there are canyons for which you need special equipment,



and those where only the desire for an active break is needed. The skills used include alpinism, diving, swimming, sometimes trimming techniques, lowering the rope, dragging through narrow slopes and / or jumping.



Many have heard of hiking, alpinism or speleology, but the concept of canyoning is rather strange to them. Maybe because it’s a relatively new sport, so still just a few people go for it. This is, in fact, a unique adrenaline experience of passing through a canyon. There are dry and water canyons. Also, there are canyons for which you need special equipment,To be honest, this is not a chill-out activity, where you can “let your brain run free”. Canyoning, before rewarding you, will require concentration, discipline, perseverance and dedication. And the award is an indescribably good feeling that is forever engraved in each of your cells. You will try to catch it on cameras, or describe it to your friends with a twinkle in the eye, but the feeling still treacherously remains deep in the canyon, constantly calling you to come again and reach out for it.



Canyoning is an adventure that goes under your skin at the speed of light. In addition to the team spirit and enthusiasm of exploration, the basic characteristic is adrenaline flowing through the whole body and direct contact with incredible nature, inaccessible to the eye of an average person. During these activities, you will encounter unique waterfalls, caves, vertical cliffs, wonderful plants and rare animals, while the blue, turquoise, black or red river waters represent a special “shock” for all the senses.


It is difficult to remain immune to all those beauties created by the continuous, decades and centuries long penetration of the river through the rocks. Through designing, sculpting and fine grinding, Mother Nature shows its rich talent and generates unique sculptures, figurines, water tubs, water slides… Unlike some other discipline, here you cannot slip into autopilot mode and perform a mechanical activity. Each obstacle, each stone hides a small puzzle that you must quickly, sometimes in a fraction of a second, solve and make the decision


behind which you will firmly stand. Will you go the easier way or take the more challenging and interesting one? Over a stone, below the waterfall, or just lean and jump? This continuous thinking only contributes to the pleasant tension and the positive dynamics of canyoning.



There are many interesting places for canyoning in the Balkans. Some are more extreme than others, but this is not particularly important. This is not a competitive sport in which numerous parameters are measured. This is a sport for enjoying, socializing and developing an adventurous spirit in which it is most important that everyone had fun and then safely returned home. I am sure that you will have a fantastic time in the canyon of Crna or Toplodolska river, Rosomača pots or Brnjica and Rzava. Those who want stronger adrenaline adventures will find their doses in the canyons of Tribuća, Brusnica, Rača, Međurečki and Bogutovački stream… The best thing for fans of canyoning is the fact that new destinations are constantly being discovered, including the famous Nevidio, that has been open for visitors just for the last 40 years, while the Canyon of Zvijezda is not yet ready for commercial use.



Although it sounds like canyoning is just about dangers, it’s not really that way. But, before going to any of the canyons I listed above, be aware of the risks of this sport. This should not scare you, just call for caution and concentration. With adequate preparation, a reliable guide and responsible behaviour, you will be able to enjoy the delights of this wonderful sport, spend a lot of time in nature and improve the psycho – physical condition of your body. The best time for this kind of adventure is July, August and September. The days are long, the temperature is quite high and there is very little precipitation. Plus, canyoning is one of the best ways to cool down during hot summer days.



Details that you should pay attention to:



The equipment and accessories are mainly borrowed from other “extreme” sports:

  • Helmet – alpinism / rafting
  • Neoprene dry or wet suit – rafting / diving
  • Waterproof vest – rafting
  • Bindings, carabineers – alpinism
  • Waterproof cords – alpinism
  • Shoes – rafting
  • Waterproof bowl – rafting





Canyoning is one of the finest extreme sports that takes place very often in distant and inaccessible locations. In case of injuries and unplanned situations, you could wait for a rescue team for a few hours or even a few days. So you approach this sport very seriously; do not consume alcohol, check the weather, listen to the rhythm of nature and be sure to follow the instructions of the guide.



Hypothermia and hyperthermia


One of the key things is maintaining optimal body temperature, which is not always easy. In the dry parts of the canyon, hyperthermia and dehydration, accompanied by exhaustion and sunburn, can very easily occur. Then it becomes necessary to adequately protect from the sun and provide sufficient amount of liquid. While hypothermia is a danger lurking in water canyons. The risk is significantly reduced by using waterproof clothing, but wrong estimates can be extremely dangerous.


High water level


Another danger that lurks in the canyon is the level of water. Due to rain, which can fall miles and miles away or release dams, the water level can suddenly increase and turn a calm stream into a frenzied river.


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2 Responses

    • Nenad Nesic

      I agree, the canyoning is almost indescribable. Thank you for reading and following.

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